Arrow SQL Arc is state of the art sql db backup management tool which allows you to dump backup of your sql databases of all your domains in your Linux / Windows Dedicated Servers or Reseller Web Hosting Account. By enabling this, you will be able to dump daily/weekly backup of your sql dbs automatically under the ftp of each website in Dedicated Server / Reseller Web Hosting Account. This backup can be downloaded easily thro ftp. Arrow SQL Arc comes in two versions namely, Server Version, Reseller Version.
How it works ?
Once Arrow SQL Arc is enabled, db backup of all sql databases under each domain name in your Linux / Windows Dedicated Server or Reseller Web Hosting Account is dumped. This can be easily downloaded via ftp by you / your clients. The dump can run as per schedule in Dedicated Servers and once in a week in your Reseller Web Hosting Account. You / Your client can keep downloading the backup regularly via ftp.
Advantages of Arrow SQL Arc
1. Sql database under each domain in your dedicated server / reseller web hosting account is dumped. Hence your customer can keep downloading backup regularly
2. Arrow SQL Arc automatically detects new database created in any domain in your cPanel / Plesk under your dedicated server / reseller web hosting account and dumps them too in the subsequent backup schedule
3. The database dump is stored in a secured folder and hence it can be accessed only by authorized users
4. The backup dump is overwritten on a scheduled / weekly basis. This saves space usage in your client’s website
5. Your clients need not connect thro sql studio and take backup in a laborious way as this tool will automatically dump the backup under ftp.
Remote Archiving Using Arrow App Sync
Combining Arrow App Sync with Arrow SQL Arc will be a powerful remote database archiving solution. Regular scheduled backups from your Dedicated Server Hosting can be archived in remote backup location instantly. This is a vital part of High Availability Solution.
Once Arrow SQL Arc is enabled, db backup of all sql databases under each domain name in your Linux / Windows Dedicated Server or Reseller Web Hosting Account is dumped. This can be easily downloaded via ftp by you / your clients. The dump can run as per schedule in Dedicated Servers and once in a week in your Reseller Web Hosting Account. You / Your client can keep downloading the backup regularly via ftp.
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Advantages of Arrow SQL Arc
1. Sql database under each domain in your dedicated server / reseller web hosting account is dumped. Hence your customer can keep downloading backup regularly
2. Arrow SQL Arc automatically detects new database created in any domain in your cPanel / Plesk under your dedicated server / reseller web hosting account and dumps them too in the subsequent backup schedule
3. The database dump is stored in a secured folder and hence it can be accessed only by authorized users
4. The backup dump is overwritten on a scheduled / weekly basis. This saves space usage in your client’s website
5. Your clients need not connect thro sql studio and take backup in a laborious way as this tool will automatically dump the backup under ftp.
Remote Archiving Using Arrow App Sync
Combining Arrow App Sync with Arrow SQL Arc will be a powerful remote database archiving solution. Regular scheduled backups from your Dedicated Server Hosting can be archived in remote backup location instantly. This is a vital part of High Availability Solution.