How to point the MX Record to our server in Plesk Control Panel ?

Windows Unlimited Reseller Web Hosting comes with Plesk Control Panel. You will be able to point the MX record to our server in Plesk control Panel for a particular domain name. Please follow the below procedure to point the MX Record to our server in Plesk Control Panel .

[1] Access your control panel at [ Example : ]
[2] Click on subscriptions
[3] Click your subscription name
[4] Under Website and domains,Click DNS settings and change as follows
[5] Click on Add record and add the below record. By default this record will be created. If it is not present you can add the below record.

mail.domainname MX mailserveripaddress

[6] Click on confirm the update.
[7] Click on OK.
NOTE: If you have pointed any other MX record you can remove it.