How do I Set Supersite and Partnersite for my domain name ?

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The Resellers can customise your domain control panel url by using the below stpes. Customers as well as Reseller’s Customers can buy domains using the supersite and partnersite url.

[1] First login to your WHM and click on edit dns zone.
[2] Choose domain on which you want to set domain control panels and click modify
[3] Scroll down
[4] Under the heading “Add New Entries Below this Line”
[5] In the first text box enter your sub domain name alone [ For example : domains ]
[6] The next box will contain 14400 by default. Leave it as it is
[7] In the next drop down box, choose “A”. Now a new text box will appear.
[8] In the new text box enter
Repeat the same for setting up “resellers” .
[9] Click on Save.
Finally it should appear as follows
domains 14400 IN A
resellers 14400 IN A
[10] Now login to your reseller domain control panel at
[11] Click on settings >>Branding Settings >> Super Site & Partner Site
[12] Under Super Site 2>> under “Fully-Branded URL” put your desired url
[Example : ]
[13] Update
[14]Under Partner Site >> Under “Fully-Branded URL” put your desired url
[ Example : ]
[15] Update
[16] Now you should be able to access the above urls within few hours.