WAR file Deployment in Tomcat 7 ?

Java Web Hosting running in  Tomcat 7 .  Tomcat 7 have different type of WAR file deployment . Kindly refer the below deployment details.

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In Tomcat 7.x automatic deployment of war file is not supported. Hence you will have to upload the jsp files inside public_html and any classes inside WEB-INF/classes folder.Even put your library files also inside it.

Try placing classes and library files inside the lib folder also.You can place your jsp files in public_html folder.

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Troubleshooting FAQs

Java Troubleshooting FAQs

I am getting Getting 404 File not found


ERROR: 404 File not found

Solution :

You are under Standard Cpanel server with tomcat 7.x where .jsp,servlet and .do are enabled by dafault. Hence if any request which is made to your site goes to apache server where the request is processed to tomcat server. But in your case the error seems to be the request is getting rejected from the apache server itself. This is something which you have to check with your developers. They only can fix this issue.You can also check the examples which we have updated and also refer the concern java forums at your end. As we are not developers we are unable to troubleshoot on your coding part.


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