How to I configure Email id in mobile Linux Reseller Hosting

Linux Reseller Hosting have the facility to configure the mail id’s in the mobile for all time access . It needs the Wen Hosting Server details and the mail id details. One time configure will allow you to manage your emails via mobile at any time at any place.

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Procedure for Configuring Emails in Mobile in Linux Hosting

Please follow the below mentioned steps to configure emails in iPhone

1. Press the settings icon in your iPhone
2. On Mail, Contacts, Calendars
3. Click on Add Account >> other >> Add Mail Account
Name :
Address :
Description :
4. Press Save
5. Select POP3
6. Scroll down
7. Incoming mail server
Host name :
User name :
Password :
Outgoing mail server
Host name :
User name :
Password :
It will prompt for security certificate. Click on cancel
8. Select the account
9. Scroll down
10. Click advanced section >> Switch SSL to OFF
11. Click on the email id on the top to return to the settings of the account.
12. Click on Mail tab on the top to return to the Mail, Contacts, Calendars options to add another account.

Kindly follow the below procedure to configure emails in Windows Mobile

1. Click on Start
2. Select Messaging
3. Click on New Email Account >> Next
4. Enter Your Email address
5. Your e-mail provider >> Internet e-mail >> next
6. Enter Your name >> Next
7. Select Incoming mail server
8. Choose Account Type POP3 >> Next
9. In User name and Password >> enter your email address and Password >> Next
10. Select outgoing mail server >> enable the text box “Outgoing server requires authentication” >> Next
11. Choose Send/Receive interval and click on Finish


Please follow the below mentioned steps to configure the Mac Mail.

1. Open up and press Command+Comma to invoke the Preferences window
2. Switch to the “Accounts” pane and press the + button in the lower-left corner
3. Under “Account Information”, fill out the following information:
4. Account Type: Select POP or IMAP
Email Address:
Incoming Mail Server: mail.yourdoaminname or server IP address
Password: your email password
Note that POP uses port 110 and IMAP uses port 143
5. Select “Add Server…” from the Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) pop-up menu. Here are the details for it:
6. Outgoing Mail Server: mail.yourdoaminname or server IP address
7. Server port: 25
8. Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL): NO
9. Authentication: password
User Name:
Email password
10. Dismiss the window by pressing “OK.”S
11. Back in the “Accounts” panel, switch to the “Advanced” tab and do not check the box marked “Use SSL” towards the bottom.

For other mobiles (Ex. Android)  please use details, you need to provide the correct server credentials,

Incoming mail server : mail.domain name (or) server IP address
Outgoing mail server : mail.domain name (or) server IP address
username : full email id
password: password of that email
POP3 – port 110
SMTP – port 25


Screen Shots

Refer Screen Shots

Troubleshooting FAQs

Email Configuration Troubleshooting FAQs

cloudnot setup account

 Try the below settings for your reference as,

[1] Turning off the Wi-Fi and again Starting the Wi-Fi sometimes solve the issue. So go in Settings => Wifi => off it and Again On it after few seconds.
[2] Go to Settings => General => Date & Time Just turn on Set Automatically or if it’s already on then set the date and time manually in iOS.
[3] Go into settings>General>reset>reset all settings. Resetting has worked for some users

I am Getting No such user here Error Bouce Back Message

1. Check whether the Email ID is present
2. Check whether the domain is present
3. If the domain is present in our server and MX record is pointing to any other server, make sure that you are creating the Email ID in the server where the MX records are pointed
4. Aso select remote mail Exchanger in the DNS zone of our server by,

a. Login to the WHM
b. Click on Edit DNS Zone under DNS Function option.
c. Select the Domain name and click on Edit.
d. Choose Remote Mail Exchanger under Email Routing for option and check it.


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