How to create a Mysql database in cPanel – Silicon House ?

Linux Web Hosting allows you to create the Mysql database via cPanel. Creating and managing the Mysql database has been possible using the  WHM Hosting Control Panel.

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Mysql Database creation in cPanel

Linux reseller web hosting comes with cPanel/WHM control panel. You will be able to add Mysql database in cPanel of a particular domain name. Please follow the below procedure to add a Mysql database,

Go to the URL http://domainname/cpanel [ i.e. ]

Login using user name and password

1. Click on MySQL database icon
2. Enter the database name in the New database field
3. Click on Create database
4. The message database created will be displayed
5. Click on Go back.
6. Enter the user name
7. Enter password
8. Click on Create user
9. The message Account created will be displayed
10. Click on Go back
11. Under Add Users to your databases, choose a user from the drop down list
12. Choose a database from the drop down list
13. Check All or the appropriate box under privileges
14. Click on Add user to database
15. The message Account added to access list will be displayed.


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MySQL Troubleshooting FAQs

I am getting Mysql Server Gone Away error in Database Connection

This could happen due to 2 possibilities

1. Poorly optimized php scripts which takes a lot of time to execute and hence mysql quits processing
2. If there are too many mysql connections opened from your website which makes mysql to quit

Also make sure that you are closing mysql connection after you open and use a connection. This could also be a reason.

If you feel that your usage is genuine and your website is well optimized and such a usage is required, then please upgrade that particular account alone  to Higher Package

I am getting Connection Error- Host ‘hostname’ is blocked in my Database Connection

When more than max_connect_errors may occur successively for a given host while connecting to the MySQL server, MySQL assumes that something is wrong and blocks the host from further connection requests.



If you are trying to connect to the remote hosts then you will be getting such error. We advise you to try connecting to the local database with different user name

I am getting Access Denied error in my Database Connection

The error “Access denied for user” might be due to the wrong database username,password or database name.Also check with the following sample database connection string as,

Sample Database Connection String:

$dbh=mysql_connect (“localhost”, “cpuser_dbuser–> this is database username”,
” –>this is databaseuser password”) or die(‘Cannot connect to the database because: ‘ . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db (“cpuser_dbname–>this is database name”);

I am getting #2006 MySQL server has gone away error in my Database Connection

1. If you are trying to run a big mysql query or else you are trying to import or export the huge database from your end which is highly resource intensive.
2. If you are using a heavy loop or uses mulitple join,union in your query coding.
3. If you are trying to ALTER all the rows in a data intensive table.

To avoid this import the database part by part this should allow you to generate data without any issues.


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