How do I enable Directory Privacy for my website in my cPanel ?
Silicon House Linux Reseller Hosting cPanel’ Password protected directory allows you to require a username and password to access a folder or folders from the web. This can be very useful when you need to limit access to a certain part of your site.
1. Login to Reseller Hosting Cpanel
2. Select “Directory Privacy” under Files feature and click on Go.
3. Please select the folder you wish to protect by clicking on its name
3. Check the box “Password protect this directory” and Name the protected directory
4. Click “Save”
5. Create user > Enter User > Enter Password > Save
6. So now When a user accesses the protected directory through the web, they will be prompted to enter a username and password. The name that you choose for the protect directory will appear as well.
7. To change a user’s password, add that user in the above box, enter the password and Save
8. You can also delete an Authorized User by selecting the username and click “Delete”
9. You can also disable this by unchecking the “Password protect this directory” check box.
You can use “Go back” to get back to the previous page.
If you face “Authorization Required error when we open a website in browser”, You need to disable directory privacy for the website in reseller hosting cPanel. Follow Step number 9 to accomplish this. This option also allows to protect a directory of sub domain/addon domain.
You can create any number of users to access a web directory with appropriate user’s password.
NOTE: In reseller hosting, please make sure any user’s password be complex. You can make use of Password generator to generate tough password. When choosing password, please notice you get green color and the password strength more than 75%. In reseller hosting strong password is very important to maintain security.