How do I Login to my Reseller Web Hosting Control Panel[Plesk]?

Windows Reseller Web Hosting comes with Plesk Control Panel to manage all the domains which is present under your account. This procedure shows the login steps to access the control panel using browser.

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Windows Reseller Web Hosting Plesk Login Procedure :

Windows Reseller Web-Hosting allows to login into the Plesk control panel by using the below ways

[1] Access your control panel at [ Example : ]

[ ! Notes ]
The control panel url starts with https:// and not http.

[ ! Notes ]
[a] You must have port 8443 access enabled in your internet connection to access this control panel. Usually it is enabled, but if you are in a network and if your are not able to access this, please contact your network admin and enable this port.

[b] SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 should be enabled.

[ * Tips ]
You can enable SSL by the following steps:

Right Click on Internet Explorer.
Click on Properties.
Click on the tab named Advanced.
check the boxes adjacent to Use SSL 2.0 and Use SSL 3.0 under the Security Listings.
Click on Ok.

[c] Internet explorer version should be above 5.0

[d] Cipher Strength should be atleast 56 bits.

[ * Tips ]
You can check Version & cipher strength by the following steps:

Open Your Internet Explorer.
Click on the Tab Help.
Click on About Internet Explorer .

[2] Supply the user name & password provided by Silicon House.

[ ! Notes ]
Give the correct user name and password .
If you try login with the wrong username or password for more than three times then your control panel access get automatically locked.In such a case try accessing the control panel after some with the correct password.

Log out properly.

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Troubleshooting FAQs

Windows Reseller Web Hosting Plesk Troubleshooting FAQs

I am getting warning Your connection is not private

Solution :

If you are getting the error ” Your connection is not private” while accessing the control panel it may be due to the open ssl certificate installed in the the server

Please note that Open SSL is used in the server side for your protection only. We force our users to use ssl while accessing Plesk or webmail to make sure that their login details are safeguarded. Consider a situation where your system is infected with malware. When you login to whm or webmail, your login will be sent to the remote attacker and he can use that to deface all your websites. Now when SSL is enabled, even if your system is infected, it will encrypt your login details and hence the remote attacker cannot get your login details. In short, forcing SSL does more good than harm. Why other hosting providers do not do this, because, they leave your account security to you.

To reslove this issue in chrome and firebox kindly follow the below steps

Click on I understand the risk>>Add exception>>get certificate>>Confirm security certificate

2. For Internet Explorer, follow the steps below:

[1] Click Continue to this website (not recommended)
[2] Click on the ‘Certificate Error‘ on the right of the website URL.
[3] Click on the ‘View certificates‘ at the bottom
[4] Click on “Install Certificate.” then ‘Next‘
[5] Choose ‘Place all certificates in the following store‘ and click on ‘Browse‘
[6] Select ‘Trusted Root Certification Authorities‘ and click on ‘‘OK‘
[7] Choose ‘Next‘ and ‘Finished‘ to add the certificate
[8] A security warning will pop up, choose ‘Yes‘ to install this certificate
[9] Close and relaunch Internet Explorer

Unable to login into Plesk Control Panel using my Domain Name ?

Error :

Web page not available.

Solution :

If you are getting the error “Web page not available” while accessing the Plesk Control Panel using your domain name the following may be the reasons

[1] You may have not pointed the nameserver and the A record properly

To resolve this issue you have to check and point proper nameservers which is provided by your Web Hosting Provider.

Unable to login into the control panel getting error “Error: You have entered incorrect username or password.”

Solution :

If you are getting the error “You have entered incorrect username or password” while accessing the Plesk Control Panel the following may be the reasons

[1] You may be using the wrong username and password to access the control panel
[2] You may have entered the username and password with null space to access the control panel

To resolve this issue you have to enter the correct username and password without any null space in it.

If you are unable to find the valid login details kindly raise a ticket from our support portal


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