How do I Create an Email Forwarder for a particular email id ?
Linux Web Hosting allows you to forward the mails from one mail id to another email id even it is not in the same domain. This is procedure will show you how to create the forwarders.
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Linux Hosting Creating Email Forwarders Procedure
Please follow the below procedure inorder to create email forwarder,
Login to your cPanel using username and password.
Click on Forwarders under Mail Feature
1. Click Add Forwarder.
2. After Address to Forward, type the address whose email you wish to forward. Be sure to select the correct domain from the drop-down menu.
3. Basic options:
To forward mail, click Forward to email address and type the address to which mail should be forwarded.
To discard incoming messages and automatically send a failure notice to the sender, click “Discard with error to sender (at SMTP time)”.
4. Click Add Forwarder.