How do I Create an Email Forwarder for a particular email id ?

Linux Web Hosting allows you to forward the mails from one mail id to another email id even it is not in the same domain. This is procedure will show you how to create the forwarders.

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Linux Hosting Creating Email Forwarders Procedure

Please follow the below procedure inorder to create email forwarder,

Login to your cPanel using username and password.
Click on Forwarders under Mail Feature

1. Click Add Forwarder.
2. After Address to Forward, type the address whose email you wish to forward. Be sure to select the correct domain from the drop-down menu.
3. Basic options:

To forward mail, click Forward to email address and type the address to which mail should be forwarded.
To discard incoming messages and automatically send a failure notice to the sender, click “Discard with error to sender (at SMTP time)”.

4. Click Add Forwarder.


Screen Shots

Refer Screen Shots

Troubleshooting FAQs

Email Forwarders Troubleshooting FAQs

Procedure to add multiple forwarders for a single email id.

Solution :

To set the multiple forwarders for a single email id, follow the below procedure.

i)Login to your cPanel using username and password.
ii)Click on Forwarders under Mail Feature
1. Click Add Forwarder.
2. After Address to Forward, type the address whose email you wish to forward. Be sure to select the correct domain from the drop-down menu and use the comma to add another email id in the same filed.
3. Basic options:
To forward mail, click Forward to email address and type the address to which mail should be forwarded.
To discard incoming messages and automatically send a failure notice to the sender, click “Discard with error to sender (at SMTP time)”.
4. Click Add Forwarder.

cPanel could not add the forwarder

Error :

cPanel could not add the forwarder

Reason :

If you try to set the same email id in “Address to Forward” and  “Forward to email address”, you will face the above error.

Solution :

In order to solve the issue try to use the different email id in “Address to Forward” and  “Forward to email address”

How to Create Virtual Forwarders

Virtual forwarders, Without creating the email id you can just create forwarders and forward it to another email id. For example if you just want to receive all the emails in the email id but there should not be any outgoing in the email id in this you can create virtual forwarders.

1. Login to your control panel
2. Click on Forwarders to access the Forwarding Maintenance menu.
3. Click on Add Forwarder.
4. Mention the email address in the first blank filed(i.e Here the email id which should not be created)
5. Mention the valid email address you wish the email to be forwarded to in the second blank field.( which should be created)
6. Click on Add Forwarder to add the forwarder.

By using this procedure whatever the mail send to will reach the email id The added advantage by using virtual forwarders is the sender will think that they are sending mail to but the actually the mail will be received by By this we can avoid mail sending by


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