How do I Upload Data to my MySQL Database ?

Linux Web Hosting have the easy way of uploading database file in the server using PHPMYADMIN. The below process explanation will help users to uplaod the database in the Web Hosting Server.

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Upload Database via cPanel

To upload your data in MySQL Database using PhpMyAdmin via cPanel.You should have already created the new database that you’re importing into as well.

Please follow the below procedure as,

1. Login to Cpanel
2. Select the option PhpMyadmin in Database feature
3. To get back up of any database select “Export” option in PhpMyadmin
4. Export: Exports Database from current server
5. Select the required format and method to export and give go
6. Select the location where the database has to be stored in your system
7. To bring a database from the local system to Mysql database use “Import” option in PhpMyadmin
8. Import: Import database from the current server
9. Using browse option to select the database from the local system
10. Select the format for database and select go
11. The database will be imported to PhpMyadmin

Screen Shots

Refer Screen Shots

Troubleshooting FAQs

MySQL Troubleshooting FAQs

I am getting no write permission error in my Database

Check whether the user has the permission to write in the database. You have to give the permission while mapping the user with the database.

I am getting Upload Error while Uploading Database

Please check the Upload limit which is allowed in the Web Hosting server.[ Check Allowed Limit(MB) ]. Normally minimum upload limit for the Database is 105 MB.

How to I Set Super Privilege for a particular MYSQL User

1. Login to WHM as root
2. Click on phpMyAdmin option under SQL Services
3. Click on users tab on the right side
4. Choose the alphabet under where the user is created.
For example : Click on A if the mysql user name starts with A [like admysql_mydb]
5. Click on Edit Privilege link against that user
6. Under Administration heading, check Super option and submit.

This is not possible in shared hosting Reseller account.


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